Our content development services include:
- Concept Design
- Creative Writing
- Character Development
- Curriculum Development
Do you have content that needs a lift? A new product to get off the ground? An existing product that needs a fresh, new feel? Give us the basics -- target audience, technical constraints, empirical data, research goals, preferred content -- and we'll make it come to life. It's what we do best.

We've wrestled with some tough questions over the years. For example, How do you approach the emotionally charged topic of divorce with young children? How do you hook kids into learning about DNA? How do you get a 20-ton elephant off your foot?
While the creative challenges of our projects have varied, our approach has remained consistent. First, we look for a storyline that will engage the audience and provide motivation for using the product. Next, we look for ways to add humor throughout the experience. Add into the mix captivating, animated characters and solid writing, and you've uncovered 360KID's recipe for success.